Field Studies with Paper by 53
October 13, 2014 Mr. Thomas Steele-Maley Innovation, ipad, Field Studies, Information, mlearning, field study, paper53
Art teacher Elysia Sheehan believes in transdiciplinary connections and Field Studies. Her work exhibits the talent and creativity of our students and can be seen across the school in hallways, on big screens and across the internet . She is a master teacher who takes building transdisciplinary teams seriously as she weaves the visual arts into subject matter and units of inquiry across the school. This is exhibited beautifully in her pioneering Field Studies work using iPads around Chicago with the App, Paper by 53. Elysia exemplifies our Field Studies based mobile learning innovation and from the opening of school has taken multiple Field Studies per week. Inquiries into students perceptions of the world at Millennium Park, identification and drawing the Fibonacci Sequence in plants at Lurie Gardens, drawing vases in a study of the Hellenistic Period to the Art Institute of Chicago or in an inquiry into mathematics at the Museum of Science and Industry, our students, guided by Ms. Sheehan, are innovating in the field almost every day.

Upcoming posts:
Inquiry Into Local and Global Play: A Look at First Grade Field Research and Global Connection
Writing, Making and Inquiry: Connected and Blended Learning with and Canvas in the Sixth Grade.